Sunday, 29 March 2015

Musings #6


We're here. This is the place we will stay tonight. I know it was some way to walk, but isn't it nice here? There are trees, but not so many that we cannot see The Heavens, and there is the river. Do not let yourself be disturbed by the strange sounds. They begin at this time, but don't you find them charming also? I have often come to this place to sit in peace and contemplation. Now, I have taken you here because there is the river. Do you see how it coils in its movement, slow and undulating? It will help you to see what I want to show you. But first, let us start a fire before dark falls completely.


Ah, that is better, wouldn't you agree? Now we do not have to worry about the cold, and it will be easier to concentrate. Look now, to the stars. And look further, further. Maybe you will need to use your minds eye, your imagination. But if you look closely, you will see Him behind everything. There! You see? What looks like part of a big, white, slowly spinning circle, going over the whole of the sky, behind even the furthest of the stars, from horizon to horizon? Now, I will tell you who it is. Listen closely. 

In the beginning was Arh-Hum, and It was Joy. It wanted to play, so It split Itself in two: Half became Arh, The Cosmic Serpent, and half became Hum: The Silent Void of All Possibilities. Arh flew around in Hum, and They were Joyful. After some time, Arh became lonely, and so He opened his mouth and breathed out, breathed Fire. When Hum was full of Fire, She told Him, "Now, Dear, I have had enough. Let me now, and wait", and it was at the exact moment when He had breathed all He had out, and so He held his breath, and He caught the very end of His tail between His sharp teeth, and in this way he came to look like a big circle, circling the outermost reaches of Hum. And The Fire froze in Hum and turned into galaxies and stars, planets and moons. 

Now, Arh and Hum are Joyous to see their children playing. They see that their children sometimes play rough, or that they knock their heads against the world, but They know that this is how it should be. With parents like that, will the children not be spectacular and wild? Arh is still holding His breath, but when He wills, He will again open His mouth, let go of His tail, and He will consume, will breathe the whole of creation into Himself again. Then, He will merge with Hum, and They will again be Arh-Hum, and It will be Joy. It will rest, and when It again wants to play, It will do so. 

Do you think this is just a story? You are free to think whatever you like. Maybe you know a better one? I would like to hear it, if you do. All stories have their place. Some of them have greatly inspired me, and spurred me to better myself. Some of them I think are best forgotten. The good ones, in my mind, constitute a priceless heritage. But me, I like this one, so this is the one I tell you now. 

We can look at our minds as consisting of two halves that are working together. Our brains, even, are divided in two halves. One of them is linear and digital, the he-mind, and the other is circular and analog, the she-mind. Crudely speaking, the he-mind can be said to be reasoning, and the she-mind to be emotional. In a healthy brain, they are both in operation at all times, although not necessarily working at equal strength. Imbalance in these two halves leads to a more or less inharmonious functioning. For the best understanding and functioning, the two halves must be precisely balanced. 
Can our human minds understand Reality? I think It more complicated than we are capable of understanding logically, or emotionally. For that, I suppose we at least need higher-dimensional mathematics, but I think that would not be enough. A man called Rodin that I have seen on The Web has something called Vortex. Maybe it is useful? I don't know. The thing about logic is that it needs some fixed point of reference. Therefore it is limited in its application.

Thus, stories, poetic images and metaphors are good, for understanding what is really important. This is not to say that logic and mathematics are useless. Far from it. Look what we can accomplish with them. It's just, for the big things, the he-mind is often not the best one to use. For some of the biggest things, Love, and the question “Why?”, the she-mind is a better choice. For some other things, like logic, mathematics and raw survival, the he-mind is the better choice. Of course, for the greatest potential to be fulfilled, they will work flawlessly and harmoniously together, and there will be a natural discernment between when to use one, and when to use another, and in which ratio of balance. Thus, Wisdom can be said to be a clearly felt understanding of when to use reason, and when to use emotion, and how they should be mixed in any given situation.

You must ask yourself what is most important. Is it to survive, or to live? I am a child of Creation. So are you. My father is Arh, my mother is Hum. They are beautiful, so I will to be beautiful too. Not too vain, certainly not, as this will only lead to trouble, but vain enough that I don't present myself in a needlessly bad light. People do consider looks important, even if I don't, except aesthetically. Again, I look to Nature, and Its other inhabitants, and how they treat this delicate subject. I adore Beauty. Should I not be an exemplar of the things I like? I think so. But, as in all things, balance is the key. To excess, nothing. 

What has been called The Intuition can be likened to a little temple bell. Strike it, and it will ring in a completely pure, unheard tone, with many overtones. If a thought is good, it will resonate with one or several of the overtones, sometimes even with the main tone. The place to look for the intuition is in the center of your forehead. This is also the best place to look when you ask yourself "who am I?", even better than the heart-space, which is also a very good place to look for some of What You Are. This is just the placing in space. I am not talking about physical places, and I am not talking about hearing tones. The intuition is a sense that must be developed, all on its own. Relax, and concentrate. If you stray, gently come back. There is no need to scold yourself, it will only serve to make you less relaxed. Haven't you heard that forgiveness is a Heavenly Thing? You must also be able to forgive yourself. Know, as it has been said, that practice makes perfect. Do not be disheartened by lack of results. Continue, and you will begin to find what you are looking for. It is good to do this every day, and it is good to do it more times than one. A few minutes is better than nothing, an hour is good, and two hours is better. It is best done in a quiet place. Know, that you will need your Will in this quest. You do not come sleeping to It, but it is well worth the effort, in my opinion. And I am not even there yet; perhaps not even close. I do not know, but I do know that others who have gone further than me have spoken warmer words than me about the results of this practice. 

When I leave this place, I would like to go sit on one of Arh's countless scales, and smile down at you. Perhaps I will come back after a while. But you might not recognize me, and I might not remember you. In the end, it doesn't matter. Arh is watching us from behind the stars, and has granted His Will to us, and Hum is Everywhere, and in Her we are living, and we are the Children of Them. All is well.

Now, I am finished for tonight. You are free to do what you will. Far be it from me to tell you what to do. If you look inside of you, you will know what it is you should do. As for me, I will listen to The Silence in my Self.

I wish you a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your thoughtful and optimistic insights.
