We are together in this. We walk on the same planet. I ask that you open your mind, and walk with me for a while. What I would like is that we learn to think. Because, in my opinion, we will need our brains to survive as a species.
Would you consider our culture to be in good health? Would you say that it is right to treat animals like they are treated in the factory farms? If it was not to satifsy the palates of the people, but for another, nobler goal, would that change things? Do you consider it right that people throw trash into nature, both on an individual and collective scale? Do you consider it sane?
The way we treat our planet and its other inhabitants show us for what we ourselves are. It shows us the amount of respect we have for life. The same planet that has been our cradle, the same life that has been our companions, our sustenance and our inspiration, for longer than we remember, either through our stories or our books. How does it reflect on us to treat this planet and its life like we do? What does that make us?
Humans have made religions, we have made culture, we have made art and music and litterature. Throughout history, there has been people that has left a brave and beautiful impression on the world around them. We have made libraries, temples and aquaducts. We have made science. We have sent huge telecopes into space, and stared into the void with its countless stars and galaxies. It is obvious that we have potential. Looking at a child, a fresh, guileless and innocent child, it is obvious that we have potential. So curious, so free, so impressionable. We can tell that child anything, and if we say it confidently enough, it will believe us. It should be obvious that that brings a huge responsibilty with it. What do we teach our young, the guardians of the future?
The child is affected to such a great degree by the environment it is raised in, that we can say that it is a product of the environment, without sounding too foolish. The child not only learns from what it hears, but also from what it sees. How does the culture and the child stand in relation to each other? If a culture is unhealthy, how will that affect the children? What will they become?
Looking at the mother of the child, it is obvious that we have the ability to feel love, and, in the case of the mother, if she is a natural mother, a love so fierce, so powerful, that it will kill anyone who threatens the child, if necessary. What does that tell us about love?
Would you say that it is right that there is war, and that there has been war going on for such a long time, almost constantly it seems? Do you consider our culture to be morally healthy, with it’s pornography, obsession with violence in entertainment, undercurrent of desperation driving people to drink and drugs and mind-numbing TV-binges, vote-hungry politicians, and rising inequality?
It has been said ”we corrupt in order to rule”. What kind of creature would say such a thing? Would it be said by someone humbly trying to lead the people to prosperity, happiness and peace? The principle ”divide and rule” has been known by rulers for a long time. Does division have much relevance on a spherical planet? Can the wheel roll if it is split in two?
By the definition of the word ”organism”, we can consider the entire planetary ecosystem to be one single organism. This means that the whole is dependent on the individual parts, just as the individual parts are dependent on the whole. When this is so, who do we want to rule us? Would you prefer the rulers to be selfless servants of the whole, or greedy servants of themselves? Where is the power concentrated in the world? In whose hands does it lie?
It has been said that ”money is power”. If this is true, then to find where the power lies, one can follow the money trail and see where it leads. Money is issued from central banks. The interest on debt makes sure that money flows towards money, and thus that those who have much will be given much. In whose hands are the central banks?
If one was a ruler, one would understand just how important is the mentality of the people to ones rule, and to the time that one could stay in power. To influence this mentality of the people, one would be interested in exerting a degree of control on the information that the people were exposed to. The main issuer of information is the media, newsprint, television and publishers. Who controls the media?
When tending a garden, a gardener will prune the trees to keep them healthy. He cuts away what is unhealthy, so the rest of the plant can stay strong and free of disease. In human society, we have law. Law is said to be an impartial template, judging everyone by the same standards. Is this what you see?
There is much talk of freedom of speech. Speech are utterings of sound from the vocal chords. This is a natural function. Speech and the written word are used for the transfer of ideas and/or information. Freedom means to be unbounded, unlimited. There are laws against so-called ”hate speech” and there are laws against ”Holocaust denial”. What does that mean for our freedom of speech? Is it really free, then, and is it even morally right to talk of freedom of speech when these laws are in operation? The meaning of the term ”slippery slope”, is that one starts with a seemingly innocent little thing, and then less and less innocent things follow.
In nature, there are no moral laws. In nature, actions carry in them implicit judgement in the form of the consequences of those actions. We come from nature. Nature can be said to be our Mother, without twisting the words too much. A human child learns from its mother. Should we not learn from Nature, then?
Witness the incredible violence inherent in Nature. Earthquakes, solar storms, tsunamies, volcanic eruptions, stampeding elephants. The circle of life is the circle of death. Who are we to say what is right, and what is wrong? I do not like to see others suffer. It hurts me. When I feel like this, should I accept the suffering in the world? Should I try to change it? Should I allow people to abuse others?
Without law, human society would descend into chaos. If people felt responsibility for the world around them, do you think that would be the case? Without love, children stop living. With insufficient love, children become emotionally and intellectually stunted. It has been said ”forgive them, for they know not what they do”. It is a beautiful thing to say.
The Sun can be said to be the source of all energy on this planet. All the oil has once been dinosaurs, plants and perhaps other living things. All that we eat is part of the food chain. The foundation of the food chain is plants. Plants need sunlight to grow. Even when clouds are covering the sky, the sun is shining, and even when it is night, the sun will rise in the morning.
Have a good day.
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