Look up, do you see?
The Heavens are full of Light. All these tiny twinkling dots. I
wonder how far away they are. Is it not wonderful to be able to sit
here in the silence, and the warmth of a crackling fire, and to
witness such magnificence? We have worked hard during the day. Now it
is time to relax, and let the imagination fly free. Now is the time
for stories.
It can be said that
who controls the mythology controls the mind, and who controls the
mind controls the world. If someone is telling a story you don't
like, do you not think you should try to tell another, better story?
Then, the people can decide which one they like. The one they like
best is the one they will tell to others in turn. This way, the
stories can change, and take on a life of their own. Stories are
central to our lives. It has always been so, and perhaps it will
always be so. Why not? It is natural like this. Stories are the
lifeblood of culture.
It is very important
what stories we tell each other, and what stories we tell the
children. If we tell them only ghost-stories, they might become
fearful of the unknown. If we tell them only fairy tales, they might
become too vain, or keep their heads in the clouds, and stumble. If
we tell them stories with morals, of heroes and heroines with
integrity and courage, they might learn something about living. The
same principle applies to us all. We are deeply affected by the
stories we hear, and by the stories we tell. Of course, one has to
check everything against ones own Innermost. This is one of the
things that Life is trying to teach us. We have, in our day and age,
a library to rival that of Alexandria, a global town square to dwarf
all previous town squares. I am speaking, of course, of The Web. On
It, one can find fine and wise old dragons, some dead, some still
very much alive and doing what it is that dragons do; one can find
demented midgets screaming at the top of their lungs, and one can
find silver-tongued, undead Liars in golden masks, sparkling armours
and flowing cloaks, lathered in precious perfumes, but unable to
fully hide the foul stench of death that permeates the air that
surrounds them. One can find foolish priests, greedy gamblers and
tired whores; merchants and scientists, magicians and jesters;
red-faced warmongers and naïve peacemakers; criminals and men of
law, winners, losers, fearless warriors, ignorant soldiers and
shivering cowards; crying mothers, shamed fathers, prodigal sons and
lost daughters. One can find the sick, and one can find the healthy.
One can find the deluded, the mad, the pedantic, and the downright
disturbing; There are scholars and bean-counters. There is royalty,
and there are beggars. One can find the hysterical and one can find
the sober, the brave, the willing and the just, and more, much and
many more. It seems endless, and if one is curious one can spend a
long, long, long time looking. It should be obvious that one must
choose carefully, eating only what one can swallow in a single
setting, and then go to a peaceful place and digest what one has
seen. It has been said that you are what you eat. Sometimes it is
enough to taste, and you will recognize what it is by its flavour.
This Web can consume one whole, if one stares overlong into Its murky
corners. And, you know, it is said that Cleanliness is a virtue. I
would add Purity of the Mind to that. What one cannot find in the
clamour of The Web is The Silent. For That, one has to look
Mothers, you know
that when you are feeding a child, you do not put all the food into
its mouth at the same time. It must be given in small bites.
Similarly it is with our minds. There is a limit to how much they can
take in in a day. If we do not respect that the mind must digest what
it has taken in, we can cause mental constipation. The mind will grow
fat and slow. You do not want the mind to grow fat and slow. You need
it sharp and lean. This is a dangerous world. It is not wise to give
away through carelessness that which can protect you. And it is
generally better to have a little deeply known knowledge than a lot
of scattered and meaningless information. What is the most important
thing to know? That would be What Is. What Is? Who Is? What's this?
What is Existence? What is
Real? These are all the same question, just expressed differently. Do
not accept anyone else-s answer to this vital question. You must find
out yourself, and the place to look is right inside of you. The next
question is, how do You
want to relate to That Which Is? Again, you must find out for
yourself. It is better to spend a whole day considering one of
these questions
without finding
an answer, but looking still, than to spend a whole day getting a lot
of possible answers
to a lot of questions that are not really that important. Of course,
some things we do consider important, and if they really are
important, we should take good care to do them well. But enough of
that for now.
I have looked
inside. I have not found the complete answer to What Is, but I have
found some clues. My will is to continue looking until I am satisfied
that I have found what I am looking for, which I don't know what is
yet. One thing I seem to have found is that it is very peaceful in
the Centre. There seems to be not much movement, and not much desire
for anything else than the Centre. It is a very beautiful feeling,
though still unstable in my experience. Of course, I do not know if I
have found the Centre. I do not think so. But still, It seems to be
right there, beckoning me to come closer. I do not know what the
future holds, but I hope to come as close as possible to that
seemingly Silent Centre.
What I do seem to
have found is that just surrounding that Centre is a wild and
exuberant Passion. A raw Power, that can take many forms, depending
on how It is channeled. It can take the form of Rage, of Lust, of
Anger. I think that Hatred is trapped Rage. The raw Power can take
the form of Love. To me, it feels like this Power is The Engine that
is driving the whole of Existence, and I have no idea just how
powerful It really is. It seems to me to be inexhaustible, and that
the only limit that is placed upon It is our frail bodies and nervous
systems. But It seems to me to be basically good-natured, although I
know that It can also grant one too much Power, and overload ones
system, resulting in deleterious effects. It can be trapped in byways
of a contorted mind and then come out in cruel and unforgiving ways.
It is essential that one respects It. It is said that Power corrupts.
My advice is to never wish for more Power than you have Wisdom to
handle, as raw Power unleashed can be the downfall of even the
mightiest. It seems to me that there does not exist a being that can
responsibly hold that Power, because It is inexhaustible. There will
always be more than what anyone can contain. But, I do not know. It
is said that one can learn, if one is absolutely at peace, to harness
It. I know that I do not want more Power than I have Wisdom to use
for Good. Certainly not. No thank you. I have had access to more than
I could handle, and it nearly destroyed me. If you are going
somewhere, it is better to walk slowly in the right direction than to
run in the wrong direction. It is said that Patience is a virtue. I
know this to be true. Patience can save one from many foolish acts.
In many cases, Nature will sort things out Herself, without our
interference. In some cases, She will sort it out in ways that we do
not wish for. In those cases, it can be best to try to direct her,
gently if possible, forcefully if necessary.
If you are thirsty,
it is better to have one cup of water than ten liters of oil. If you
want to start a big fire, it is better to have one cup of oil than
ten liters of water. In both cases, what matters is your Will, which
in this case is the same as what you want. Will must come from
somewhere, wouldn't you say? Perhaps there is a Higher Power that
also Wills? If so, would it not be in our interest to align our own
Will with that Higher Will? It is said that it is possible to so
perfectly align ones own little will with that Greater Will that the
two become indistinguishable. I wouldn't know.
One thing I do know
is that I am indebted to this world, and its people. Here, I have
learned many things. I have been treated well, I would say. In some
cases, not so well, but I suppose that is to be expected here. It is
my experience that everything that happens can be used to learn
something. And if nothing else can be learned, it seems to me
that what can always be trained is to stand ones ground, which is a
very important thing to learn, in my opinion. Of course, it has also
been said that if you yield you need not break. I do believe that in
some rare cases, unyielding, great and willing sacrifices are the
best way to go about things. I do not know where I will go after I
leave here, but I feel a great Trust in this Existence, whatever It
is. So I am relatively peaceful. All is well.
I have been talking
for long enough now. Go now, and think, or play music, or whatever
else you care to do. Maybe you
have a story to tell? I do not wish to tell you what you
should do. You have your own Innermost to listen to. Just, I will
suggest that you sit still for a while, and look up at The Heavens,
with Their seeming infinitude of Lights, and dream. Dream. If you
can, I suggest that you dream healthy and beautiful dreams. Dreams
can sometimes come true, you know?
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